Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 3: Gain (Our Thanksgiving ArtFull Moment)

This ArtFull Moment of November 24 was not so much about the gaining of pounds and ounces  due to turkey & trimmings.  Here's what I said about it in the email:
I've been planning to release this week's Moment for some time, unsure about the best time.  I am sure to many it will seem absurd.  I file this one under "Things the Depression/Recession is teaching me".  If I accept a little less for something I sell, or a bit less for my time than I think my time should be "Worth", then I simultaneously make it possible for someone else to gain while I, too gain more than I would have otherwise.  This has a ripple effect, like any act of kindness or compassion. I also realized that what I "need" to make or "should" make in profit margin, or what my work or time is "worth" is quite a subjective number.    But that's a Moment for some other time, probably to be titled "Enough".
The responses were amazingly positive!
Betty from NY said: "Hmm...a message straight from God to my heart..."
Karen from NV said: "One of the key tenets in Myofascial Release is "Less is More"."
Lika from Israel said: "Very beautiful.  Thank you".
The ArtFull Moment coming up on Wednesday, December 1 is stunning!  Subscribe to our ArtFull Moments emails so you never miss a single Moment

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