Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ArtFull Moment , January 12, 2011 & Gallery update

Click here to see the entire ArtFull Moment Email

Good Morning all!  Today's Momentous response so far was from Virginia in Scottsdale:

"Looks like you were up very early, I am too, getting ready for my daily walk
with a friend.
Beautiful Artful Moment!  You have an amazing eye...thanks for sharing.
Have a memorable day."
My day ahead should be productive; I am finishing the packing at my gallery.  I expect the move to happen next week...then the heavy lifting begins to get get back up & running.  I am preparing for an Opening Reception for a show called Artfull Moments: A Visual Mission.  I am looking to schedule it for Friday, February 25 at the new location, 15716 N. 76th St, just north of the Greenway Hayden Loop in the North Scottsdale Design District.  More on that later.
I may have found a local printer to produce affordable, high quality posters. So soon we can offer BIG, bright, juicy ArtFull Moments online as well as at the gallery.  In order to  produce a low cost print, we will have to order in quantity, That's a big inve$tment, and I will have to be very careful about which images to select.   Please let me know which Moments you think  would be the most successful as posters. I will keep track of the "votes" and will let you know the winning images. 
Thanks, as awlays, Emmie

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year ! Yikes!

Here is the ArtFull Moment for January 5, 2011.  Sorry, I neglected to post the  weeks since December 15, 2010.  We had a bit of a shakeup here.  Just before Christmas, I got word that I would have to move my Estrella Fine Art gallery because new tenants  wanted the entire suite FAST!  In an effort to serenly accept the things I cannot change, etc., I am looking on this move as a blessing in disguise.  I will be going to an upstairs suite in the Papagno's Marble & Granite building a block away, on  76th Street, just north of the Greenway Hayden Loop.  The space is a bit larger than the present quarters, and will work well for shows and everyday display, too.  I want the move to be as fast as possible.  I was planning a show for ArtFull Moments for January 22, and I hope I can still hold it before the end of Bebruary.  Enough about me.  This week's Moment is all about embracing the new year and being Fabulous!  Enjoy

I hope this link works so you can see the December 22 ArtFull Moment, the entire message.  I am not sure how long the links last out there on Constant Contact, my email service.